Article - Main Track

Essential Requirements for Digital Annotation Systems

Author: ADRIANO, C. M., RICARTE, I. L. M.

Abstract: Digital annotation systems are usually based on partial scenarios and arbitrary requirements. Accidental and essential characteristics are usually mixed in non explicit models. Documents and annotations are linked together accidentally according to the current technology, allowing for the development of disposable prototypes, but not to the support of non-functional requirements such as extensibility, robustness and interactivity. In this paper we perform a careful analysis on the concept of annotation, studying the scenarios supported by digital annotation tools. We also derived essential requirements based on a classification of annotation systems applied to existing tools. The analysis performed and the proposed classification can be applied and extended to other type of collaborative systems.

Key Words:Requirement analysis; System classification; Conceptual modeling; Collaborative Systems; Digital Annotation Systems; Electronic Texts

Full text (in English)

Complete Reference: Adriano, C. M.; Ricarte, I. L. M , "Requisitos essenciais para sistemas de anotações digitais", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 9(2012) pp. 24-44
