Article - Main Track

Computer Science and Society: Imensity, Precision and Humanization

Autores: FINGER,M.

Abstract: We show that recent known advances in Computer Science have allowed us to enter in regions of data "imensity" that we thought were unreachable. Besides, formal and precise models of specific parts of the worls that we are building are increasingly detailed and allow us to simulate more accurately both human and natural phenomena. Paradoxically, we argue that this growth both of size and precision will take us to a Computer Science that is closer to humanization.

Key Words:Humanization through Computer Science, NP-Complete

Full text (in English)

Complete Reference: FINGER, M., "Ciência da Computação eSociedade:Imensidão, Precisão e Humanização", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 8(2011) pp. 46 – 48
