Article - Tutorial Track

Quantum Cryptography: a direct approach

Autores: MENDES, A. J. B.; PAULICENA, E. H., SOUZA, W. A. R

Abstract:This study aims to answer directly to four questions relating to knowledge of what Quantum Cryptography is. The text is developed through a historical overview of the encryption of messages, reaching asymmetric encryption, a solution to the problem of production and distribution of keys. Afterwards, inserted in a quantum scope, it defines and exemplifies protocols of quantum cryptography, showing, in conclusion, the responses required.

Key Words:Quantum Cryptography, QKD, Quantum Key Distribution, BB84, Reconciliation Information, Privacy Amplification

Full text (in english)

Complete Reference: MENDES, A. J. B.; PAULICENA, E. H., SOUZA, W. A. R; "Criptografia Quântica: Uma Abordagem", Revista de Sistemas deInformação da FSMA n 7 (2011) pp. 39 – 48
