Article - Tutorial Track

User profile modeling for building recommendation systems: a theoretical study and state of the art

Autores: BARTH, F. J.

Abstract:The goal of this tutorial is to describe and synthesize the concepts and techniques used in the design of recommendation systems that can deal with user profiles. The development of such recommendation systems requires solutions of two sub problems: (i) the creation and maintenance of user profile, and; (ii) the appropriate use of user profiles. This work is a theoretical tutorial on this subject. This is a useful text for people who are interested in the theoretical foundations of modeling user profile and recommendation systems. This text presents illustrative diagrams that summarize the main components used in the modeling of user profiles

Key Words:recommendation systems, user modeling, adaptative systems.

Full text (in portuguese)

Complete Reference: BARTH, F. J., "Modelando o perfil do usuário para a construção de sistemas de recomendação: um estudo teórico e estado da arte", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 6 (2010) pp. 59 – 71
