Article - Tutorial Track

Classification in Text Mining


Abstract: Classification means assigning each object in a collection or dataset to a category or class. This mapping can also be called classification model or classifier. When using textual data, the objecto to be classified can be either documents in a collection or words or sentences that belong to those documents. This tutorial consists on an introduction to the task of document classification, one of the best known problems in Text Mining. Some popular algorithms that are used throughout the literature to classify document are presented here. Besides, we also present some techniques whose goal is to evaluate the quality of a classification model.

Key Words:text mining, classification, inductive learning

Full text (in portuguese)

Complete Reference: BEZERRA, E.; GOLDSCHMIDT, R., "A Tarefa de Classificação em Text Mining" Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 5 (2010) pp. 42-62
