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The Van Hiele Model of Geometric Thought and possible contributions to the dynamic geometry

Autores: ALVES, G. S., SAMPAIO, F. F.

Abstract:This work presents the main ideas discussed in an essay written in a Computers and Education class in a Master Course at PPGI-UFRJ. We discuss the need to emphasize the topics related to euclidian geometry in primary and secondary schools. The Van Hiele model of the development of geometric thought is presented as a guideline for learning and as an instrument for the evaluation of students´ geometric abilities. Based on Van Hiele ideas and on tests created by the Fundão/UFRJ Project staff, a quantitative study on the level of geomteric thought was performed with students of a public technical high school in Rio de Janeiro. As conclusions, an exposition on possible contributions of dynamic geometry to the Van Hiele model is made.

Key Words:Idynamic geometry, computers in education, Van Hiele

Full text (in portuguese)

Complete Reference: Alves, G. S.; Sampaio, F. F., "O Modelo De Desenvolvimento Do Pensamento Geométrico De Van Hiele E Possíveis Contribuições Da Geometria Dinâmica" Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 5 (2010) pp. 69-76
