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UFRGS Computer Science Educational Book Series: a history of sucess and quality

Autores: DIVERIO, T. A., MENEZES, P. B.

Abstract:This article describes the successful history of the series of educational books on computer science e edited by UFRGS. Created in 1997, this series intends to publish textbooks used in undergraduation classes in Computer Sciences courses, based on the experience of UFRGS professors and MEC curricular guidelines. The major convergent aspects of its beginnings are described, as well as the first steps, the experience and the major factors in many moments since its creation, including its consolidation and change of publisher. In the last 13 years, 20 different books were published, including 43 editions and soon the special landmark of 100.000 printed books will be achieved.

Key Words:Computer Science Educational Books, Undergraduation courses on Computer Science, Brazilian curricular needs, MEC curricular guidelines

Full text (in portuguese)

Complete Reference: DIVERIO, T. A., MENEZES, P. B., "Série Livros Didá;ticos da Informática UFRGS Trajetória de Sucesso com Qualidade", Revista de Sistemas deInformação da FSMA n. 5(2010) pp. 63-68
