Article - Student Track

A framework for database optimization and workload control

Authors: ANDRADE, T. C., SOUZA, J. T.

Abstract:In the planning phase of the project, the project manager is responsible for the activities of a greater responsibility is to make estimates and collect measurements of software as a way to control the development process, in addition of assist in making organizational decisions. In the context of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), various restrictions typical of companies of this size make the process of estimating and measuring yet more complex. Thus, this paper proposes a simplified measurement process based on best practices of measurement and previously documented as patterns process using the PSM to assist MPEs in all steps relating to this important process.

Key Words:process, pattern, measurement and estimate

Full text

Complete Reference: ANDRADE, T. C., SOUZA, J. T., "ProMePE: Processo Simplificado de Medição para Micro e Pequenas Empresas" Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA, n. 5 (2010) pp. 22-30
