Article - Main Track

Critical Social Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Face Recognition Technologies in Brazil


Abstract: Over the past couple of years, the demand for facial recognition systems has increased in both the public and private sectors to enhance safety and security. Many researchers argue that the irresponsible design and use of facial recognition technologies threaten to violate the right to privacy, freedom of expression, and justice, instead of promoting security. This paper, using the Critical Theory of Technology of Andrew Feenberg, discusses the development of facial recognition systems in Brazil. This work was conceived under the aegis of the Critical social theory that serves as a framework for analyzing and reimagining technological systems considering that technologies are not separate from society but are adapted to their social and political environment. The research has an exploratory nature and a review was conducted to find related papers. Using critical and decolonial theories, the authors revealed otherwise hidden agendas, power, and political assumptions to be deeply considered to understand the harms generated by facial recognition systems in Brazil. This paper’s main contribution is a social critique, whereby the oppositions, conflicts, and contradictions of facial recognition technology are brought to light. This study raises broader questions about the social and political nature of facial recognition development, such as the extent to which hidden agendas and lack of transparency inhibit, repress, and constrain civil society participation.

Keywords: Facial recognition, surveillance, artificial intelligence, ethics, sociotechnical systems

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full Reference: Vieira, C. P. R; Digiampietri, L. A., "Teoria Social Crítica como Prospectiva Sociotécnica em Tecnologias de Reconhecimento Facial no Brasil", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 31(2023) pp. 2-10
