Article - Main Track

A Study on the Application of the Artificial Intelligence Model to the Creation of Scientific Knowledge: the Limit between Moral and Ethics


Abstract: This article describes research conducted using the ChatGPT program from OpenAI, a language model based on a transformer trained on large textual datasets to generate naturally coherent responses based on a prompt or initial context. The goal of this research was to present the potential of Artificial Intelligence in the production of scientific articles, emphasizing the ethical and moral questions of the researcher and the research. As an example, the tool was used to create a scientific article from start to finish. Using the random theme of “Psychology and COVID-19,” ChatGPT was used to conduct descriptive research, from the title up to specific objectives, theory and final considerations. The article presents the results of the research and conclusions about the various ways in which the ChatGPT tool can be used, both for the good and the bad.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Knowledge; Research; Science.

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full Reference: Rodrigues-Filho, L. F., "Um Estudo sobre a Aplicação do Modelo de Inteligência Artificial para a Produção de Conhecimento Científico: o Limite entre a Moral e o Ético", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 31(2023) pp. 11-23
