Article - Main Track

Web Interface Test Automation: a Comparative Analysis between Cypress and Playwright

Author: SEGUNDO, M. A. S.; FURTADO, A. P.

Abstract: Nowadays the software market is increasingly looking to optimize in its processes and to achieve higher quality in its products. Among the processes under improvement, there is the Software Testing one, which contributes considerably to systems quality. Among them is the Interface Test, which is based on the definition of a sequence of events in the components of a graphical interface in order to search for faults.It is common to use automation tools with the ability to manage and control tests to assist this process. Among the main tools in the market there is Selenium WebDriver, which has limitations in its application. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis between Cypress and Playwright, two tools whose architectures are different from Selenium, in order to assist professionals to choose automation frameworks related to the graphical interface. Based on this analysis, it was possible to verify a balance between the tools, with Cypress obtaining an advantage in relation to the efficiency of the tests and Playwright ensuring an advantage in the criteria of execution time and coverage of the tests.

Keywords: Automation Testing; Automation Testing Tools; Web Interface Test; Cypress; Playwright;

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full Reference: Segundo, M. A. S.; Furtado, A. P. , "Automação de Testes de Interface Web: Uma análise comparativa entre Cypress e Playwright", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 29(2022) pp. 45-59
