Article - Main Track

Semantic Document Layout with Interface Based on Hierarchical Object Clustering


Abstract: The authoring of multimedia content is a common activity in several application areas such as classrooms, lectures, business presentations, meetings, etc. In this process, the fundamental tasks involve the spatial and temporal organization of objects. However, laying out documents that convey quality and wellorganized information is a process that has two challenging problems. First, the traditional process of grouping semantically related objects together tends to be inefficient because it requires several individual commands to perform a single operation. Secondly, the organization of hierarchies of graphic elements taken from manuscripts or fragments of images is typically accomplished in an unintuitive way. In this article, we propose a direct manipulation interface in which object groupings and their organization levels are automatically generated and visually signaled. In order to assess the suitability of these ideas to authoring software, we carried out experiments where volunteers were asked to compose simple layouts using both a traditional interface and one based on the proposed techniques. Preliminary results indicate that the interface that provides automatic semantic layout leads to better user performance in these tasks.

Keywords: Document layout, Hierarchical clustering, Interaction design.

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full Reference: Varaejão, F. M., Retondaro, L.C.S.C., Esperança, C., "Layout Semântico de Documentos com Interface Baseada em Agrupamento Hierárquico", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 28(2021) pp. 35-44
