Article - Main Track

Optimum Allocation of DERs in Power Distribution Systems Using Computational Intelligence

Author: MENDONÇA, A. O; REIS A. O ; et al.

Abstract: in the installation of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in power distribution systems. DERs are devices which generate or store electricity, located either in residential installations or in the distribution system itself, being able to supply all or part of the local demand. In this context, this paper aims to evaluate and compare the use of three relatively recent computational intelligence techniques (Bat Algorithm, Gray Wolf Optimizer and Sine Cosine Algorithm), to the problem concerning the allocation and optimal dimensioning of DERs in distribution systems, minimizing technical losses and voltage unbalances. The simulations were performed using the OpenDSS® software and applied to the 34-bar IEEE distribution system. The results show that computational intelligence is a very interesting tool, especially for large distribution systems and that the insertion of DERs can contribute in a positive sense to the reduction of technical losses in energy distribution systems, as long as they are well allocated and have an optimized penetration level.

Keywords: Computational Intelligence, Distributed Energy Resources, Power Distribution Systems

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full Reference:Mendonça, A. O; Reis A. O et al., "Alocação Ótima de REDs em Sistemas de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica via Inteligência Computacional", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 27(2021) pp. 29-40
