Article - Main Track

Next Generation Antivirus Applied to the Detection of Java Malwares

Author: PINHEIRO, R. P.; LIMA, S. M. L.; et al.

Abstract: Vulnerabilities in Java language answers for 91% of all threats monitored on the world wide web.The present paper aims to create a Next Generation Antivirus, endowed with machine learning and artificial intelligence, specialized in Java malware detection. The proposed antivirus monitors and statistically ponders 6,824 actions that suspicious files can take when executed. The proposed antivirus achieves an average performance of 91.58% in distinguishing between benign files and malware. Instead of blacklist-based models, the proposed antivirus allows the detection of malware preventively, and not reactively, as with commercial antivirus.

Keywords: Malwares; Antivirus; Artificial Neural Networks; Real-time malware detection; Computer Forensics.

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full Reference: Pinheiro, R. P.; Lima, S. M. L.; et al., "Antivírus da Próxima Geração aplicado à Detecção de Malwares> Java", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 27(2021) pp. 10-28
