Article - Main Track

Learning Self Regulation in Educational Technologies: Trends and Opportunities

Author: FRANÇA, R. S.; TEDESCO, P. C. A. R.

Abstract: Learning self-regulation is one of the key competencies for lifelong learning. In order to foster it, researchers and educators have been investigating how technology may help this process across different educational levels. In this light, the Workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies (SRL@ET) has become a source of discussions about metacognition and self-regulated learning using educational technologies. With the aim of investigating the research works in this area, this work presents a Systematic Literature Mapping based on the papers found on SRL@ET. We will present the trends identified that have been shown to have a positive impact on research as well as on educational practices in different contexts. Moreover, taking into consideration the results reached by Brazil in recent educational quality assessments, we will discuss future research avenues, taking into consideration the potential impacts on students’ academic performance of fostering learning self-regulation supported by technologies.

Keywords: Learning Self-Regulation, Metacognition, Educational Technology, Secondary Studies.

Full paper (In Portuguese)

Referência completa: França, R. S.; Tedesco, P. C. A. R.; "Autorregulação da Aprendizagem em Tecnologias Educacionais: Tendências e Oportunidades", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 25(2020) pp. 42-55
