Article - Student Track

Global defensive alliances in complementary prism and wheel graphs

Author: FREITAS, R. de C.; DIAS, E. S.

Abstract:Graphs are discrete mathematical structures whose theory is applicable to many problems. Alliances in graphs are a quite new field of study and in this paper we study the defensive alliances, which can be used as a mathematical model in web communities, social medias, food chain, etc. We describe theoretical results in wheel graphs and complementary prisms of complete graphs.

Keywords: Alliances in graphs, global alliances, defensive alliances, complementary prisms, wheel graphs.

Full paper (in Portuguese)

Full reference: Freitas, R. de C.; Dias, E. S., "Alianças defensivas globais em grafos prisma complementares e roda", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 23(2019) pp. 24-31
