Article - Main Track

A Comprehensive Introduction to Neural Convolutional Networks: A Case Study for Character Recognition


Abstract: Convolutional neural networks have been attracted great attention in the realm of complex tasks, mainly in image recognition. They were specifically designed to process images as inputs, as they act in local receptive fields, performing a convolution process. However, understanding the work principle of this network may not be an easy task, especially for beginners in the area of computational intelligence. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present in a didactic and intuitive way the convolutional neural networks. A case study involving alphabet character recognition is presented in order to ilustrate the feasibility of the approach.

Keywords: Convolutional neural networks, character recognition.

Full paper

Referência completa: Ebermam, E.; Krohling, R., "Uma Introdução Compreensiva às Redes Neurais Convolucionais: Um Estudo de Caso para Reconhecimento de Caracteres Alfabéticos", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 22(2018) pp. 49-59
