Article - Student Track

An Exploratory Study of Wiki Tools for Virtual Museums

Author: LIMA, L. M; CARDOSO, L. R.

Abstract: The museum is a place of preservation and elucidation in the history of a group of people; it exposes the past, contextualizes the present and takes us to a prospective vision. Studies show that even though they are in rise, virtual museums would tend to fail due to the lack of interest between the public and the collection. The objective of this research was to select Wiki tools that meet the criteria to provide more interactivity in an virtual museum.

Keywords: virtual museum, wikiseum, wiki, collaborative environment.

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Complete Reference: Lima, L. M; Cardoso, L. R., "Estudo Exploratório de Ferramentas Wikis para Utilização em Museus Virtuais", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 17(2016) pp. 3-8
