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An ontology for the recommendation of technically qualified teams in distributed software projects

Author: BARBOSA, L., ELIAS, G.

Abstract: In Distributed Software Development, the adoption of globally distributed software development teams reduces cost and development time. In order to meet such benefits, it is important to find teams with specific technical background, required for implementing software components and modules that constitute software products. In such a context, it is a key aspect to contrast technical background of development teams against specified technical requirements for implementing the software project, making it possible to select the most skilled teams to develop each software component and module. Hence, this paper proposes, implements and evaluates an application ontology to support selection processes of distributed development teams, which are technically skilled to implement software modules in distributed software projects. As main contribution, experimental results show that the proposed ontology represents and formalizes an extremely complex problem in a systematic and structured way, allowing its direct or customized adoption in selection processes of globally distributed development teams.

Keywords: Ontology, Distributed Software Development, Knowledge Representation and Inference, Selection Process.

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Complete Reference: Barbosa, L.; Elias, G., "Uma Ontologia para Recomendação de Equipes Tecnicamente Qualificadas em Projetos Distribuídos de Software", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 16(2015) pp. 52-70
