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Application of decision support systems in county urban planning: a proposal for Macaé county

Authors: GALANTE, A. C.; BRITO, J. L. N. S.

Abstract:The Macaé County is one of the greatest economy of the state of Rio de Janeiro. With the use of the information technology is possible to create a powerful tool for supporting the decision making processing for this County, aiding the process of improvement of life quality. For that one, intends to use a Decision Support System able to give different kind of information of County areas, like health and education. For the union of all information the datawarehouse technology will be used. For query implementation the technologies of OLAP and GIS are used together. Therefore, those technologies together make a powerful tool for aiding the decision making process of the Macaé County.

Key words:Decision Support System, Knowledge-Management System; DataWarehouse, On-line Analytical Processing(OLAP); GIS

Full text (in portuguese)

Complete Reference: GALANTE, A. C.; BRITO, J. L. N. S.; "Aplicação da Tecnologia de Sistemas de Suporte à Decisão no Planejamento Urbano Municipal: Uma Proposta Para o Município de Macaé" , Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 1 (2008) p. 17-25
