Article - Main Track

pplication of SIG and OLAP technologies on IBGE databases as a decision support tool for the county administration

Authore: REGO, E. A.; GALANTE, A. C.; BRITO, J. L. N. S.

Abstract:This paper shows a Decision Support System development for any brazilian county. The system is free of any costs research. For doing so, one uses the datawarehouse, OLAP and GIS technologies all together with the IBGE's database to give to the user a query building tool, showing the results in maps or/and tables format, on a very simple and efficient way.

Key words:Decision Support System; DataWarehouse; OLAP; DataMining; Geographic Information Systems; IBGE

Full text (in portuguese)

Complete Reference: REGO, E. A.; GALANTE, A. C.; BRITO, J. L. N. S.; "Aplicaçãodas Tecnologias SIG e OLAP sobre as Bases de Dados do IBGE como Ferramenta de Suporte à Decisão paraAdministração Municipal" , Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 1 (2008) p. 1-8
