Issue 6 - Jul-Dec/2010



Main Track

WAZLAWICK, R. S.; "Reflections about Research in Computer Science regarding the Classification of Sciences and the Scientific Method"

LINDEN, R., "Book review: Metodologia de Pesquisa em Ciência da Computaçao by Raul Sidnei Wazlawick"

BAZZAN, A. L. C.; "Multiagent systems: Introduction and Aplication in Traffic Emergency Situations Simulation and Control"

RIBEIRO, V. G.; ZABADAL, J. R. S.; GARCIA, R. L.; VAN der LANN, F. T.; "Simulation of the spread of pollutants in water using order reduction"

Student Track

MOREIRA, D. S.; SILVA, R. S.; FERNANDES, A. M. R.; "Real Estate Evaluation engineering suported by multicriteria analysis and artificial neural network"

Tutorial Track

BARTH, F. J.; "User profile modeling for building recommendation systems: a theoretical study and state of the art"
