Issue 31 - January-June/2023



Main track

Vieira, C. P. R; Digiampietri, L. A., "Critical Social Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Face Recognition Technologies in Brazil"

Rodrigues-Filho, L. F., "A Study on the Application of the Artificial Intelligence Model to the Creation of Scientific Knowledge: the Limit between Moral and Ethics"

Contti, M. F.; Freitas, B. P. T.; Lazarin, N. M., "Linux Distributions on IAAS Providers: A Performance Analysis for E-Commerce Hosting"

Morais, L. P.; Soares, A. S.; Borges, V. C. M.; Silva, N. F. F. et al., "Sub-language Sentiment Analysis in WhatsApp Domain with Deep Learning Approaches",

Barbosa, M. F; Helfer, G. A.; Barbosa, J. L. V., "Dronapple: A model for apple picking using machine learning and drones"

Bezerra, W.R., Westphall, C.B., "Characteristics and Main Threats about Multi-Factor Authentication: A Survey"
